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Pastoral Visits and Homebound Ministry

Pre-Hospital Anointing

Little in life is as precious to us as our health. It is necessary for our wholeness and well-being, as we all continue to answer the call of God in our lives. For this reason, we need and long for Christian support, comfort, and assurances if we are undergoing a major surgical procedure and/or hospitalization. Throughout the history of the Church, the ministry to the sick has been a major part of the works of mercy in parish life. If you or a family member is scheduled to enter the hospital and you wish to be anointed prior to being hospitalized, please contact the parish office at

740-363-4641 to arrange a date and time.


Hospital Visits

If you or a family member is hospitalized and wishes to have a member of the Pastoral Staff visit and bring Communion, please contact the parish office at 740-363-4641 with the name of the person hospitalized, the name of the hospital, the date of hospitalization, and a contact name and phone number.


Today, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick includes all who need healing, especially the sick and the chronically ill as well as the dying. The priest prays over the one to be anointed and then anoints the forehead and palms with oil that were specially blessed by the bishop of the diocese on Holy Thursday. The sacrament, as the continuing healing power of Christ, may at times affect a physical cure or improvement, but more often it provides spiritual strength to bear sickness and trust in God. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a reminder of the saving value of suffering in union with Jesus. If the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is needed, please let the parish office know when you call.


Homebound Parishioners

Volunteer Ministers of Holy Communion make pastoral visits to homebound parishioners on a regular basis. Please contact the parish office at

740-363-4641 to arrange these visits.


Nursing Home Visits

The Holy Mass is offered on a regular basis at some of the nursing homes in the area. If a nursing home resident is unable to attend Mass, please notify the parish office at 740-363-4641 to arrange individual pastoral visits.


Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is one of the two Sacraments of Healing. This sacrament is a powerful and effective sign of Jesus’ presence that brings strength and healing to the sick, the elderly and the dying. The celebration of this sacrament can help the sick get well again. When that does not happen, the sacrament helps the sick face their illness with faith and trust. It also helps dying people continue their faith journey to God in heaven.


This sacrament’s name has changed over time. It was once called extreme unction, which means “the last anointing,” and has been referred to as part of the “last rites.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls it “the anointing of the sick,” (CCC 1511). The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety, discouragement, and temptation, and conveys peace and fortitude (CCC 1520). These graces flow from the atoning death of Jesus Christ, for “this was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, ‘He took our infirmities and bore our diseases’” (Matt. 8:17). The Church exhorts the Christian who is ill to unite with the Passion and Death of Christ. Anointing of the Sick may be received by any Catholic who is facing a serious illness or is of advanced years.


Individuals who are planning to enter the hospital are particularly encouraged to receive the sacrament before their admission by calling the parish office. Pastoral staff members and volunteers will visit those who are in the hospital, nursing home or confined to their own home.


Please notify the parish office, 363-4641, if you or a loved one desires a pastoral visit.


Under the patronage of Our Blessed Mother, and rooted in the Roman Catholic faith since 1835, St. Mary Delaware is a vital and vibrant community that engages the living God in worship and prayer, and in Word and Sacrament. Led by the Holy Spirit, and imploring the intercession of St. Mary, we desire to imitate her role of being the Christ bearer, and bear witness to her Son’s redeeming love that has been poured upon us in Baptism, and sustained by the practices and teachings of the Church.

740.363.4641 (p)

740.363.9915 (f)


82 E. William Street

Delaware, Ohio 43015



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