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Thank you for your continued support and feel free to contact Scott Lewis with any questions about Online Giving.
Offertory Drive 2024
Dear Parishioner,
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your loved.
As your new Parish Administrator, I want to emphasize that my role is to serve your needs and not impose changes. While change is necessary, I will consult widely and reestablish a Parish Council to ensure everyone's voice is heard.
I have three goals for our future:
refilling our pews,
strengthening our school, and
achieving financial stability.
We’ve seen a decline in parishioners and school enrollment, which has impacted our finances. I encourage you to consider your financial support for the parish offertory and complete our Offertory Commitment Form. For questions, please contact our Development Director, Kristin Story at
You are in my prayers,
Reverend Patrick Toner
Administrator, St. Mary Parish
P.S. Thank you for your past support. Please view our 2023-2024 annual report to see the impact of your contributions!