Knights of Columbus, Council 1056
The Knights of Columbus, Council 1056, represents the best of what it means to be a Catholic man by demonstrating our faith through the values of charity, unity and fraternity. Council 1056 volunteers over 15,250-man hours each year at 30-40 separate events. As a Knight, you show support to the parish, community and nation, promoting service over self. Lastly, the KofC offers some of the most affordable, comprehensive insurance consistent with Catholic values. See what it’s all about: “In service to One. In service to all”.
Advent Giving Tree
Parishioners celebrate the true meaning of Christmas by sharing gifts with families in our community who are less fortunate. Participation in this ministry can be as simple as removing an angel tag from the giving tree, purchasing the gift and returning it to the church.
You can also get involved with this ministry by assisting with the preparation of the angel tags, decorating the Advent Giving Tree, and/or sorting the gifts presented. All help is welcomed with this annual Advent ministry. Please contact our Advent Giving Tree liaison, which can be found in the Parish Guide
Common Ground Free Store
The Common Ground Free Store is a place where everything is free—clothing, shoes, diapers, and linens, to small appliances, books, and toys. There are no income requirements, no questions, and no scrutiny; only the support of people who care. God’s mercy does not come with a price tag.
Common Ground Free Store Ministries is a partnership between Delaware County churches, businesses, civic organizations, and caring citizens. Common Ground’s help doesn’t stop with free clothing and household items. Common Ground partners with other local service agencies to provide new hope and new starts through referrals to other agencies in the community.
For more information on how you can get involved with this ministry, please see the Contacts List of our Parish Guide
Family Promise
Family Promise is an interfaith hospitality network to help homeless families achieve lasting independence. With support from local congregations in Delaware County, they provide food, shelter, and assistance with obtaining employment and housing. The networks of congregations and volunteers meet homeless families’ needs for shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services.
For more information, please contact our Family Promise liaison, which is located in our Parish Guide
Respect Life
The Respect Life Committee of St. Mary Church will proactively PROCLAIM, RESPECT and VALUE ALL life from CONCEPTION to NATURAL DEATH.
The Respect Life Committee meets the second Tuesday of every month at 12:30 pm in Kavanagh Hall unless noted in the bulletin.
Deuteronomy 30:19
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you that I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse, on that you would choose life that you and your children may live.”
For more information, please contact our Respect Life liaison, which can be found in the Parish Guide.
St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Mary Delaware Conference
Our Mandate
The Corporal Works of Mercy are the kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs. Essentially, members of SVdP are asked to act as stewards and ministers of the Corporal Works of Mercy, set forth in the teachings of Christ. On a local level, our role is to act as the compassionate extended hand of the St. Mary parish family, both within our parish and to our community at large.
Our Resources
Time and Talent
Within the society, the administration and implementation of our sustained programs rests with our 31 current active members. In the 2022-23 fiscal year, our members have dedicated 4,915 hours of service to those in need. For special projects, we have been blessed by the generosity of our Associate Members and other parishioners willing to share their special abilities; construction skills, providing transportation, sharing legal
and financial council, just to name a few.
Donated goods are accepted and distributed through:
The Annual Clothing Drive
Weekly donations to the Food Pantry at People In Need
Holiday Donations (PIN Holiday Clearing House / Thanksgiving Donations.)
Earmarked Donations (Goods donated in response to situations of a specific extreme need.)
Monetary Donations
Our monetary resources are generated through:
Monthly parish exit collections.
Regular online and envelope donations.
Specially earmarked donations.
Special grants from our diocesan and national offices.
Support from other SVdP Conferences through Diocesan Twinning Program.
This continued generosity of St. Mary’s parishioners and the friends of the SVdP Society allows us to maintain the programs that impact the lives of our Neighbors who are less fortunate.
Our Responsibilities
The trust implied by the generous financial support of the parish requires conscientious stewardship on the part of SVdP members. To that end, we have established structured guidelines to determine the proper and most effective application of the funds entrusted to us.
Provide financial assistance and guidance to those in urgent need due to issues of health, employment, or other dire life circumstances. The Society has established the St. Vincent de Paul Help Line as a means to identify and address these needs.
Assist those making efforts to independently improve and sustain their life situation. The society has pursued this goal in several ways:
Supporting Employment – Provide job search information and transportation support.
Encourage Financial Independence – SVdP Microloan program and Del. Co. S.T.E.P. Program.
Address Homelessness – Supporting Family Promise and the SVdP Men’s Shelter of Del. Co.
Offer emotional, spiritual, and financial support for those who may be discouraged or lonely. Our focus here is to support:
Shut-ins and nursing home residents.
Those affected by personal calamities.
Becoming a Member of SVdP
● SVdP Membership is open to both parishioners and other community members willing to uphold the guiding principles of The Society.
*Members may be categorized as:
Associate Members, who selectively take part in Conference meetings, projects, and activities.
Active Members fill the same roles as associate members with regard to conference service, additionally filling roles requiring confidentiality (Need Phone / Needs Committees.) Active Members also become eligible to serve as officers in The Society.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of the Society, call the SVdP Needs Line, (740) 417-3410. Just leave a message including your contact information, and we will reach out to you.